Friday, March 5, 2010

ranunculi and roses

Can i will spring into being? Maybe. If anyone can, it should be a florist. Here are gorgeous magenta and pure white ranunculi with the their little baby buds still opening perfectly on the 5th day in the vase. Visually, they are a smaller, non-fragrant version of a rose or a peony.... oh so gentle cut down short - here with the backdrop of the blue stone floor in my studio. Easter and Passover will be here before you know it - order your holiday centerpieces early.
A small square vase with a bear grass ring inside for added effect and for anchoring the roses - a great way to use up little fallen angels of the rose. Just make sure that the water level in the vase is high so little darlings can drink up and open to their hearts' content. That they will do, as these tiny 'Limoncellos', shaken off by a lovely spray rose in transit.
The beginner floral design class at Princeton Adult School is going well so far. I'll have to post pictures after next and last session - we'll be making stylized arrangements in clay pots and bowls, and whatever other interesting containers the students come up with. Stay tuned.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Pensive weeds,
I always admire your flowers and everything you do.
I would like to place an order for flowers (range $50-75). I would prefer combination of white, blou and yellow colors.
Please let me know if this is possible.

Secret admirer