Saturday, January 10, 2009

the crown

ever since the concept of the crest for the rooster costume manifested itself in a crocheted pattern which i would not be able to reproduce, i have been thinking about other ways to use up some of the yarn for play clothes which i in turn would also not be able to repeat....

snowmen family

it's all in the pictures. the snow was excellent in quebec that day.


much belated christmas stocking pattern: cut boot shape (i prefer small size) in red, white or green basic fleece. embellish with desired design on one side, snowman (2 white circles of varying sizes), pine tree (green, the more rustic the cut the better), lettering, a combination of the above, etc. i used blanket stitch on the those as well as all around. with some left over gems and beeds it is easy to make decorations: snowflakes, tree deco, etc. put on a loop at the top to hang - done. to make two of these in an evening is quite possible, i think. the hooks ended up having to be made as well. a damaged but favorite plate with some other ceramic bits and pieces, holiday deco balls, beeds, etc and basic hanging hooks.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


It is not a crazy idea to take a 4 year old and a 2 year old cross country skiing for a week. You just need a lot of adults to tend to all the little details. Just dressing and undressing can be a major challenge and take up to 40 min, especially if there is an unwilling party. Though once outside, very little grown-up participation is required. Snow and child are completely mutually fulfilling. I could never have guessed (although i might have remembered) that a 4 year old could spend 2-4 hours outside utterly pleased just falling through snow and trying to get out.
More to say, but i will leave it for tomorrow. Must finish Balzac, begin Wilde and read 3 tomes of Bell.