Monday, May 18, 2009

Pensive Weeds at Pennington Day

It turned out to be a nice day. Anne-Renee and I talked to a lot of people. She can be contacted at for more information and to sign up for cooking classes. I gave away all of my business cards and now must start working on a new format. It was lovely to see so many people out. My booth with the hand sewn sign at the top and all the perennial garden plants was between a party hairspray booth, a bank table and a chachki booth with bugles and cars made across the seas.... the global warming champions. Across from me was an angry icecream man with a generator big enough to sustain a village. Now he had an unequivocally successful day. I had a great deal of fun, though and am looking forward to next year. Thank you to everyone who stopped by and thanks to Bryce and the kids for helping with set up and take down.

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