Monday, October 27, 2008

the farm

the farm, or as we call it 'ferma', is in all essence a member of the family. one would not be able to guess that it is the largest csa in the country, so understated in appearance, simple in operation and lovely in spirit the honey brook organic farm is. we go once a week to pick our share in the farm stand and sometimes spend 2-3 hours in the field picking 'pick your own' crops. the kids love it and i cannot think of a better way to spend an afternoon. something so natural about a 4-year old recognizing different herbs, tomato and tomatillo plants, carefully pulling eggplant off the stalk and holding back his 2-year old sister from putting a hot pepper in her mouth. they both love to pick green beans and sample the different varieties, the dragons being the favorite, i suspect having much to do with the name. we have met at least two very large grasshoppers this summer, countless worms and caterpillars and have brought many a stink-bug home on the flower stems. at home we take the bounty out and sort. tomatoes stay on the table and sauce tomatoes sometimes get washed and cut right away for pasta sauce for the winter. one day this autumn fedia stood at the kitchen counter for over an hour, helping me cut plump plum tomatoes that he picked. and while the sauce turned out a little lumpy, it was nonetheless delicious.

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